October 21, 2024


Darker Projects has been producing full-cast audio dramas since 2004. Our focus is on creepy, scary, not-so-nice tales. There are not always happy endings in this world, and we can’t stop being fascinated by the dark. We hope you will enjoy our work and perhaps contribute.

Our Darker Projects Wiki explains guidelines, policies, and procedures as well as features all the contributors to Darker Projects.

We welcome you to join us should you wish to try your skills at acting, writing, et cetera.



We appreciate our listeners!  We are undoubtedly grateful that you take the time to listen to and love our programming.  All our shows are labors of pain, distress, and of course, at times make us feel like the zombies that we write about; however, as such, we don’t get paid for doing them (none of us: actors, writers, producers).  This means that as time goes by, we sometimes need help from our listeners to keep up with the site, and the shows.

We ask that you donate if you can.  Any amount is appreciated, and it truly does keep Harbinger from snacking on the producer’s legs – and it’s difficult for our producers to deal with that type of thing.  It’s frustrating and darn right upsetting at times.

Thank you.
