The Last Shot for Freedom
In the year 2210, Earth is at war with an alien species on a distant planet. When three journalists realize the conditions for Earth’s military presence may not be what they seem, they must endeavor to free everyone from the lies before it’s too late; to risk it all in what becomes… the last shot for freedom.
Written by Arman Borghem
Original music composed and performed by Kai Hartwig and Kevin MacLeod
Featured in the cast were:
Laura Post as Major Serena Vince and The Wife
Phillip Bennfall as The Technician
Delon Eubena as Mark
Mark Bruzee as The Announcer
Colin Snow as Carl Strand
Brandon Cole as Robert Hudson
Elie Hirschman as John Kempfer, Badger 2 and Interviewed Soldiers
Chris Snyder as James Spensor and The Husband
Dan Gorgone as Commander Russell
Byron Lee as Interviewing Reporter and Commercial Announcer
The series was produced and directed by Paul Mannering
Post-production by Phillip Bennfall and Byron Lee
The executive producer of Darker Projects is Eric Busby.