Dark Alliance
In the wake of The Dominion war, and attacks from the Tholians and the Borg. The alliance of the United Federation of Planets begins to fracture. Meanwhile the force of the Devine Celestial Imperium takes advantage of this unrest and being to consolidate their position and might.
Featuring the vocal talents of…
Kara Dennison as Dalonna
Mark Kalita as Mak
Judah Friese as Judah
Karl Puder as Korg
Elie Hirschman as Tom
Nick Cook as Cain
Rick Siebigteroth as Pressman
Morgan Jeffery as Helm
Jonathan Patrick Russell as Jones
Mark Bruzee as Minister K’Laren
Julie Massa as Lady Caron
Tom Davis as Lord Regent
Laura Post as Lady Compassion
Ben Harmer as Lord Magnus
Gareth Preston as Lord Brotherhood
Miriam Snyder as Computer
Jim Barbour as New Reporter
Eric L. Busby as Gunnery Unit
Written, produced, Directed and mixed by Eric L. Busby
The executive producer of Darker Projects if Eric Busby.